The year 2020 has been challenging for most people . Its one year one feels we lost . How else can one explain the fact that a year started on a wrong footing and before we realised , its Decemeber already .Be that as it may , it has not been entirely bad after all . I mean , it could have been worse .
The fact that I still have an opportunity to go back to the dashboard and you reading it on your end just tells you that God has been gracious enough . But make no mistake , mask up because its not yet ended .
Apart from the ravaging effects of covid19 healthwise , methings fear was so sold this year that kenyans almost died in their houses fearing the unknown .Covid exposed our weak heathcare sytstems ... but wait , did we have any healthcare system in the first place ? I bet we didnt .This pandemic exposed the soft underbelly that is our healthcare . For far too long , the rich and mighty have always been hurriedly flown outside even with a mere headache . But with Covid closing all the boundaries , people were told to fix their healthcare or the die as fast as they could be burried later .
If there are leaders who mean well for this nation , they should never forget the fact that for once , a panademic of this magnitude caught us sort of unaware and plunged us into crisis levels never witnessed before . In fact , even as the nation pretents to be having a constitutional moment ,I am shocked no one is talking about our healthcare and the ravaging effects this pandemic had on our rather fragile economy .
Our diaster preparedness also was at its lowest. Ever since the first covid19 case was reported by the health cabinet secretary , the only thing that was so organised in this country was the confusion . So organised was our confusion that the government ended up not protecting its citizens against the same pandemic.
Personally I must admit that 2020 ended so fast for me . I had so many objectives but I had to scale down my expectations after the whole world ended up wearing something that would later on be called masks .
Individually I learnt alot about this pandemic . In light to how guys lost relatives so fast and friends , there was a realisation that life is just vanity . For the first time in my entire lifetime (and its just almost 3 decades), I saw the world panic . For once , I could nolonger hear anything about war in Syria ,Irag and Iran . Why , you ask ? Because there was a disease that never respected military , guns and financial muscle .So powerful was the pandemic that it ended up making President Trump a one term president ..of course never mind his CIA and all the trappingts of power that came with it never prevented him from being infected with the disease .
It was such a humbling moment for the world .. and yes , it still is .
As we approach the end of 2020, I still urge you all to wear your masks properly .
While at it , lets thank God for having suatained us during such a gruelling time of our life .
For those who have lost their loved ones , it is my prayer that the almighty may give you confort during this rather trying time .
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