We have become a nation on its knees for goodness sake..Like just how did we come this far?The last a month or so, the country has witnessed a huge and acute shortage of leadership .Talk of a cash crunch, an economic crisis , a ballooning wage bill and of course-you guessed it, a runaway corruption . In a convincing sermon on Sunday, Lucas made me believe that the current turmoil is not about to exit the stage unless we all give it a deep thought accompanied real actions . It ten invites me to the real question , like How prepared are we as the citizenry to tackle corruption at our level?
Today in the morning as I was heading to my usual nation building duty, I got awed and alarmed by a truck that had had an accident,... and so the petroleum filled truck leaked and poured petrol almost all over. That was not even what caught my eye interested... How Kenyans love free things baffles me . We have become a society that has fallen deeply in love with free things and this is exactly where corruption emanates. simply put , we are our own enemies.
At a church service last week, Zimbabwe's only president since independence was quoted castigating Kenyans in what can be described as a sweet scathing attack from such a controversial leader. That a leader of Mugabe's wisdom or lack of it thereof could tell of our habits , tells a lot of how as a country , we've stooped so low.
Kenya has an 80 percent christian population according to statistics in the public domain. Christians who profess a faith that by any means rejects bribery by all standards . Yet an irony has it that we are far from that expectation. Amazing how our nation has nutured negative ethnicity, bad politics and hate speech at the expense of the opposite of all that.
The advent of constitution kept us pregnant with expectations yet as reality screams now, corruption got a rare chance of being devolved. Its now in the villages, little wonder a wheelburrow is now dancing itself to a tune of not 1k , not 30k but 109k ... really ? Wiat, did I also hear of a pen costing 8700 ? poor me!
I hate to imagine that the corrupt are hovering around aimlessly as the common wanjiku is left on the receiving end.
Sometimes last year a friend of mine questioned the idea of having an anti graft body in this country,... He argued that by having such an institution, we are admitting that we are going to loot in future and take bribes as well.
The political class has always kept us entertained by ethnically charged campaigns which as history tells us, only lands us in what someone said is a country of 40 million poor chaps and 40 millionaires.
As a christian its easy to just sit down and tell this off as mere politics but hell no... we have a duty in this... we got to say no and buy honesty as one author put it somewhere.
Take a look at a primary school kid who cheated or got a leaked exam, the goes ahead to benefit from a leaked KCSE exams four years later.... Do you know where he is headed to ? He proably wants to be a fake doctor, fake teacher, fake engeneer, fake.... name them,...That is when reality dawns on us that what goes around comes around.
Integrity by any means should be bought at all cost... Lets go for a life that the world will admire,.... DANIEL in the bible was under an oppressive regime but his intergrity stood tall, he convinced the kingdom that his God was the real God.. He dispensed his duties with utmost diligence and care...
Is there any one out there who cares about this nation ? Lets buy intergrity... It begins with you and nemmy