We have become a nation on its knees for goodness sake..Like just how did we come this far?The last a month or so, the country has witnessed a huge and acute shortage of leadership .Talk of a cash crunch, an economic crisis , a ballooning wage bill and of course-you guessed it, a runaway corruption . In a convincing sermon on Sunday, Lucas made me believe that the current turmoil is not about to exit the stage unless we all give it a deep thought accompanied real actions . It ten invites me to the real question , like How prepared are we as the citizenry to tackle corruption at our level?
Today in the morning as I was heading to my usual nation building duty, I got awed and alarmed by a truck that had had an accident,... and so the petroleum filled truck leaked and poured petrol almost all over. That was not even what caught my eye interested... How Kenyans love free things baffles me . We have become a society that has fallen deeply in love with free things and this is exactly where corruption emanates. simply put , we are our own enemies.
At a church service last week, Zimbabwe's only president since independence was quoted castigating Kenyans in what can be described as a sweet scathing attack from such a controversial leader. That a leader of Mugabe's wisdom or lack of it thereof could tell of our habits , tells a lot of how as a country , we've stooped so low.
Kenya has an 80 percent christian population according to statistics in the public domain. Christians who profess a faith that by any means rejects bribery by all standards . Yet an irony has it that we are far from that expectation. Amazing how our nation has nutured negative ethnicity, bad politics and hate speech at the expense of the opposite of all that.
The advent of constitution kept us pregnant with expectations yet as reality screams now, corruption got a rare chance of being devolved. Its now in the villages, little wonder a wheelburrow is now dancing itself to a tune of not 1k , not 30k but 109k ... really ? Wiat, did I also hear of a pen costing 8700 ? poor me!
I hate to imagine that the corrupt are hovering around aimlessly as the common wanjiku is left on the receiving end.
Sometimes last year a friend of mine questioned the idea of having an anti graft body in this country,... He argued that by having such an institution, we are admitting that we are going to loot in future and take bribes as well.
The political class has always kept us entertained by ethnically charged campaigns which as history tells us, only lands us in what someone said is a country of 40 million poor chaps and 40 millionaires.
As a christian its easy to just sit down and tell this off as mere politics but hell no... we have a duty in this... we got to say no and buy honesty as one author put it somewhere.
Take a look at a primary school kid who cheated or got a leaked exam, the goes ahead to benefit from a leaked KCSE exams four years later.... Do you know where he is headed to ? He proably wants to be a fake doctor, fake teacher, fake engeneer, fake.... name them,...That is when reality dawns on us that what goes around comes around.
Integrity by any means should be bought at all cost... Lets go for a life that the world will admire,.... DANIEL in the bible was under an oppressive regime but his intergrity stood tall, he convinced the kingdom that his God was the real God.. He dispensed his duties with utmost diligence and care...
Is there any one out there who cares about this nation ? Lets buy intergrity... It begins with you and nemmy
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2020 was tough but it could have been worse ...
The year 2020 has been challenging for most people . Its one year one feels we lost . How else can one explain the fact that a year starte...
Friday, 13 November 2015
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
Jesus’ Response to Empty Words
will say to Me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your
name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many
miracles?” And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart
from Me, you who practice lawlessness.”’” (Matthew 7:22–23).
On first reading, these are some of the most startling, convicting words Jesus ever uttered. The key issue for Him is obedience to His Word and will. He later declared, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine” (John 8:31; cf. Rom. 6:16; Col. 1:22–23; Heb. 5:9).
All the empty words and professions of respect for Christ and the shallow works of supposed dedication now come to condemn all disobedient claimers to the Lord. When Jesus tells them, “I never knew you,” it does not mean He didn’t know their identities, but in essence, “I didn’t know you as My disciples, and you didn’t really know Me as Lord and Savior. You chose your kingdom, but it wasn’t My kingdom.”
A life that professes to be a Christian but in no way actually reflects His holiness does not possess true salvation. Such a profession comes from a dead faith that results in no good works (James 2:17).
It’s not that faithful disciples will not stumble and sin sometimes; otherwise Jesus would not have taught about forgiveness of debts (Matt. 6:12) and confession of sins (cf. 1 John 1:9). Believers cannot expect perfection in this life, but they should expect to be heading in that direction.
Those who persist in lawlessness show that they are not Christians. No matter how orthodox and outwardly fervent, religious activity that doesn’t stem from repentance of sin and manifest a desire for obedience to Christ is still rebellion against God’s law.
Ask Yourself
It’s not bragging on ourselves but on Christ when we admit to areas of spiritual growth and victory over sin. In what ways are you seeing yourself increasingly conformed to the nature of Christ?
courtesy of http://www.gty.org/resources/devotionals/daily-readings?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=gtydailyreadingsone
On first reading, these are some of the most startling, convicting words Jesus ever uttered. The key issue for Him is obedience to His Word and will. He later declared, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine” (John 8:31; cf. Rom. 6:16; Col. 1:22–23; Heb. 5:9).
All the empty words and professions of respect for Christ and the shallow works of supposed dedication now come to condemn all disobedient claimers to the Lord. When Jesus tells them, “I never knew you,” it does not mean He didn’t know their identities, but in essence, “I didn’t know you as My disciples, and you didn’t really know Me as Lord and Savior. You chose your kingdom, but it wasn’t My kingdom.”
A life that professes to be a Christian but in no way actually reflects His holiness does not possess true salvation. Such a profession comes from a dead faith that results in no good works (James 2:17).
It’s not that faithful disciples will not stumble and sin sometimes; otherwise Jesus would not have taught about forgiveness of debts (Matt. 6:12) and confession of sins (cf. 1 John 1:9). Believers cannot expect perfection in this life, but they should expect to be heading in that direction.
Those who persist in lawlessness show that they are not Christians. No matter how orthodox and outwardly fervent, religious activity that doesn’t stem from repentance of sin and manifest a desire for obedience to Christ is still rebellion against God’s law.
Ask Yourself
It’s not bragging on ourselves but on Christ when we admit to areas of spiritual growth and victory over sin. In what ways are you seeing yourself increasingly conformed to the nature of Christ?
courtesy of http://www.gty.org/resources/devotionals/daily-readings?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=gtydailyreadingsone
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president Obama at a past event |

That being the case , let me remind you of the don'ts that we are really praying to God that you may not indulge in. .First and foremost is your undoubted quest to have gays have their way in our society. Just a reminder(in case you forgot by chance or default), Kenya according to the latest statistics, consists of almost 80% christian religion and the remaining percentage of course goes to Muslims and others. .. Gay debate is such a big thing in Kenya and its my humble request that you wont endorse gaysm in the name of democracy or whatever the thing .
The bible in Romans 1;24-29 clearly puts out the reason why God has 'given up on some people' to do "filthy' things such has homosexuality.
The supreme nature of God can never be disputed and as such , his word can only be final . Its even interesting that Robert Mugabe would go ahead to remind the world that even Satan was not a gay since he went for a naked Eve instead of a naked Adam. Funny , Right ? but indeed gaysm is not a common phenomena and should not be embraced on the altar of justice to minorities. We live in a society where Africans valued marriage and homosexuality is a pure insult to the morals and the societal values. While we appreciate the U.S for their continued support in the business front as well as on the fight against terrorism menace, its incumbent upon you and your leadership to see so some sense in our quest.
The pictures I shared above are not only disturbing but also awkward in the face of reality. How would one explain a man going for another man for such things as sexual intimacy? Really ?
I had to take time to write this and to remind all the gays that whatever is happening in their lives is worrying and not appealing not just before the eyes of men, but before GOD.
Finally Mr president, allow me to wish you journey mercies as you purpose to come
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
As I type this , I cant help but to marvel at the beauty and the splendor of Mt Kenya region. Yes I said i love it big time.Three years ago, I made a journey to this place- a place I had never set foot before. For me ,it was a perfect opportunity to learn and never mind the fact that I have always wanted to be contend with what God has instilled in me.
From the word go, life was proving to be challenging but alas! an assurance that God gave Jeremiah he knew him before he came to 'life' always made a triumphant entry into my heart. I had joined Karatina University College[then called] and I tell you what ? Jeez! cold and snow breeze... I couldnt stomach a reality that it was going to be my home for my whole four year academic lifebut oh my!I was in it for the long haul.
As days passed, reality sunk deeper in me that this was God's plan and he had already predetermined the same prior to my knowledge as usual Challenges ? Yes they were there..Indeed in plenty. Talk of culture shock, weather changes , Kikuyu dialect that was all over that I wasn't conversant[of course am not badly off now].. wait a minute, did I mention the elephant in the room ? I bet not.Financial hurdles- I often referred to it as financial adjustments. Not once, not twice but many times, I got myself having more needs than the cash but that's normal and God's faithfulness was always all over me. I could still wake up and thank God that I couldn't count the blessings he had bestowed to me .
Three years aint a joke lads, its a lifetime for a student of my 'pedigree' .. Yes I quoted that because i am not sure if I have a pedigree but my point is, three years is a long time. A lot of water has since passed under the bridge and my life has surely changed big time.
Amongst the degrees that I have gotten in campus includes and is not limited to my love and zeal for Christ Jesus. Indeed it couldn't have come at any better time than this. After joining campus, I had to find a place I will be calling a 'church'..Of course we come from a society that allows church going as a mere ritual and culture on our Sundays or Saturdays. On this day some people have always pretended to be holier than thou[no offense intended] albeit for some few hours in that day but that aside , its a story for another day.
I then made a bold move to Riverbank Christian Union
My experience in Riverbank C.U was and still is a life changing in many ways. Its interesting to be in a 'church' of only the youthful and not just that but zealous on matters of the kingdom.
From the onset, I loved going to church, attending to various activities never mind my 'complacent nature and mind from the village.Right from the word go, God has been teaching me that I am part of the great commission and that I should labor in his vineyard. As days rolled on, I begun to love Jesus more than the 'church' I guess one is wondering why i am quoting the word church..oh yes,its because I later on learn t that
a christian union is not the same as the church.
A christian union's difference with the church and is akin to comparing the heaven and Earth gap.Here, there is no pastor, no reverend or an apostle. Its just a chairperson with departmental heads . The vibrance of the C.U can never be wished away.
Give it to the christian union , its organized, its lively, its bible based and it has become a platform to mentor leaders in the evangelical sphere.
Its in Riverbank christian union that I met fiery preachers, teachers of the word, bible study mentors, stem mentors like vivian n Tsion, chastened poets like kinoti, business hochos like Mugo Johnson , bloggers like kateblessing, and imaningeru... Why not a lovely God fearing band by the noun Vineyard ?
OH my !Just recieved a text that I have a class in the afternoon.. see youu..
From the word go, life was proving to be challenging but alas! an assurance that God gave Jeremiah he knew him before he came to 'life' always made a triumphant entry into my heart. I had joined Karatina University College[then called] and I tell you what ? Jeez! cold and snow breeze... I couldnt stomach a reality that it was going to be my home for my whole four year academic lifebut oh my!I was in it for the long haul.
As days passed, reality sunk deeper in me that this was God's plan and he had already predetermined the same prior to my knowledge as usual Challenges ? Yes they were there..Indeed in plenty. Talk of culture shock, weather changes , Kikuyu dialect that was all over that I wasn't conversant[of course am not badly off now].. wait a minute, did I mention the elephant in the room ? I bet not.Financial hurdles- I often referred to it as financial adjustments. Not once, not twice but many times, I got myself having more needs than the cash but that's normal and God's faithfulness was always all over me. I could still wake up and thank God that I couldn't count the blessings he had bestowed to me .
Three years aint a joke lads, its a lifetime for a student of my 'pedigree' .. Yes I quoted that because i am not sure if I have a pedigree but my point is, three years is a long time. A lot of water has since passed under the bridge and my life has surely changed big time.
Amongst the degrees that I have gotten in campus includes and is not limited to my love and zeal for Christ Jesus. Indeed it couldn't have come at any better time than this. After joining campus, I had to find a place I will be calling a 'church'..Of course we come from a society that allows church going as a mere ritual and culture on our Sundays or Saturdays. On this day some people have always pretended to be holier than thou[no offense intended] albeit for some few hours in that day but that aside , its a story for another day.
I then made a bold move to Riverbank Christian Union
My experience in Riverbank C.U was and still is a life changing in many ways. Its interesting to be in a 'church' of only the youthful and not just that but zealous on matters of the kingdom.
From the onset, I loved going to church, attending to various activities never mind my 'complacent nature and mind from the village.Right from the word go, God has been teaching me that I am part of the great commission and that I should labor in his vineyard. As days rolled on, I begun to love Jesus more than the 'church' I guess one is wondering why i am quoting the word church..oh yes,its because I later on learn t that
a christian union is not the same as the church.
A christian union's difference with the church and is akin to comparing the heaven and Earth gap.Here, there is no pastor, no reverend or an apostle. Its just a chairperson with departmental heads . The vibrance of the C.U can never be wished away.
Give it to the christian union , its organized, its lively, its bible based and it has become a platform to mentor leaders in the evangelical sphere.
Its in Riverbank christian union that I met fiery preachers, teachers of the word, bible study mentors, stem mentors like vivian n Tsion, chastened poets like kinoti, business hochos like Mugo Johnson , bloggers like kateblessing, and imaningeru... Why not a lovely God fearing band by the noun Vineyard ?
OH my !Just recieved a text that I have a class in the afternoon.. see youu..
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Meet a young man going by the name #Tony, a boy who has stirred old forgies the wrong way by declaring his intention to vie for the top seat in our constituency TURBO... Pundits have been so quick to dismiss him as a greenhorn in politics and is essentially not suited for the top job . In fact , one was quoted saying that "he is too young to be a member of parliament".. He is young but with guts and audacity to to brave himself towards the murky waters of politics in a constituency which is a home of revered political figures including and is not limited to the DP.
Born in the Northern part of Rift Valley, Tony admits to have been brought up by a humble background hence his vivid understanding of the word poverty and its consequences. Indeed , nothing can be far from the truth, I met Tony in 2007 when I joined high school and one thing got my attention about him, i tell you what ? His humility and academic wit. He was an outstanding student who though appeared short with complexity, had a tall brain in the whole school . He was the best student in form four . His leadership skills could be seen by far, he had a charm that no sane student could fail to appreciate. He was outgoing and simple, interacted with all and sundry on daily errands. Did I forget to remind you that he was a prefect also ? Oh no. I shouldn't have.
Needless to say is the fact that he emerged the best student in the whole school .He has traversed our constituency offering his helping hand in terms of giving back to the community. This includes even teaching in some high schools . Joined Moi University under the then Chepkoilel campus to pursue Actuarial science. Guess what ? It never took time before his campus fellows discovered that in them was a leader and so the story goes, he found his way to the Students council. ...
I admire the charisma in this guy, Azin I cant help but to recognize his courage and a dare devil attitude. Politics in Kenya is so expensive and is always a preserve of the high and mighty. He has gone against the tide to stand out and offer alternative leadership. Its so harsh for people of sane and sound mind to allegedly dismiss him because of his age and what not. I refuse to believe that Tony being from a humble background qualifies him to be ineligible for the seat. He has been tried and tested Turbians, the little he was given , he has done it so well that more should be given to him . The notion that youths are leaders of 'kesho' ought to be dimistified and be buried . It can only be done so well with Tony. I have undisputed trust in this guy's abilities to deliver on his mandate. We are tired of having legislaters who cant debate any bill in the August house largely because they bought their way to the seat and also because even the nitty grittys of grammar in them is long gone and dead buried.
I have reasons to believe Tony is the right guy from the onset to deliver us from the mess we have fund ourselves in in the recent past.The making of a president begins with a step ladies and gentlements, It begins by electing Tony as our MP... CASE RESTED
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Its April and the country is bleeding , yes I said bleeding, because of the pain that has been inflicted upon us by our 'usual' enemy, ALSHABAAB . For the last one week, the media has been awash and abuzz with stories , analysis and up to date preview of the #GARISSAMASSACRE happenings that allegedly claimed 147 lives . The dust has not settled on the same issue , blame game is the order of the day even as #alshabaab through #AFP , claimed responsibility for the attack. I can only imagine the pain, the agony and the trauma which the relatives and the survivors are going through at the moment. For those who lost their lives, God rest your souls in eternal peace.
Am writing this as a concerned citizen and my main question today is ,just when did the rain begun hitting us this hard? The imagination that people were killed mainly because of their faith is disheartening and painful in equal measure. Now , as Christians, what lessons are we learning from this ? Methinks its high time we even question our Christianity, like, are we right with God ? When did we go wrong ? Isn't it time we gave repentance a chance for sure ? Statistics lies to me that Kenya is 80% Christians but wait a minute , really ? Why are we lying ? Last week I got a strong conviction that as a country, we need Jesus than anything else for real, its not more guns , its not the 10000 police , its our souls and nothing less than that.
How on earth do we explain a country that is wounded in all the spheres, say economic, never mind the recent cases of massive corruption cases that have rocked the country and rubbed many the wrong way .Its a shame that as a country we have been hopping not from one project to another but rather from one scandal to another one. That our headlines have been screaming about the ills of the state more than achievements tells a lot of a nation that has really buried its head under the sand and abdicated its core mandate . History will judge this country harshly in the sense that we have packaged ourselves as a reactive country rather than a proactive one to issues that affects us. As I type these, I feel like its like we are having leaders who are still living in utopia on such issues. Just how many more lives are we going to lose in accidents , in alcohol, in grenades that have always been dropped at will by the usual assailants so that we may realize that GOD wants us to change our ways of doing things? That's a point of ponder .
That the whole country is marred by corruption cases is a reason why we need to ask ourselves why the rain is hitting us hard. Sometimes I shudder at the imagination that I cant help the whole situation yet at the same time I find out that I CAN PRAY about it, yes , I said pray. As Christians for sure , we have failed , we have lost it like it was yesterday brethren. Little wonder all the evils of the society are hovering around and maiming us in all the spheres, little wonder we are losing lives en mass and we are not getting our lessons, little wonder the kanyaris of this world are thriving , oh yes , the list is on.
Lets go back to Christ guys, lets turn back to GOD . I choose to rest my case
Am writing this as a concerned citizen and my main question today is ,just when did the rain begun hitting us this hard? The imagination that people were killed mainly because of their faith is disheartening and painful in equal measure. Now , as Christians, what lessons are we learning from this ? Methinks its high time we even question our Christianity, like, are we right with God ? When did we go wrong ? Isn't it time we gave repentance a chance for sure ? Statistics lies to me that Kenya is 80% Christians but wait a minute , really ? Why are we lying ? Last week I got a strong conviction that as a country, we need Jesus than anything else for real, its not more guns , its not the 10000 police , its our souls and nothing less than that.
How on earth do we explain a country that is wounded in all the spheres, say economic, never mind the recent cases of massive corruption cases that have rocked the country and rubbed many the wrong way .Its a shame that as a country we have been hopping not from one project to another but rather from one scandal to another one. That our headlines have been screaming about the ills of the state more than achievements tells a lot of a nation that has really buried its head under the sand and abdicated its core mandate . History will judge this country harshly in the sense that we have packaged ourselves as a reactive country rather than a proactive one to issues that affects us. As I type these, I feel like its like we are having leaders who are still living in utopia on such issues. Just how many more lives are we going to lose in accidents , in alcohol, in grenades that have always been dropped at will by the usual assailants so that we may realize that GOD wants us to change our ways of doing things? That's a point of ponder .
That the whole country is marred by corruption cases is a reason why we need to ask ourselves why the rain is hitting us hard. Sometimes I shudder at the imagination that I cant help the whole situation yet at the same time I find out that I CAN PRAY about it, yes , I said pray. As Christians for sure , we have failed , we have lost it like it was yesterday brethren. Little wonder all the evils of the society are hovering around and maiming us in all the spheres, little wonder we are losing lives en mass and we are not getting our lessons, little wonder the kanyaris of this world are thriving , oh yes , the list is on.
Lets go back to Christ guys, lets turn back to GOD . I choose to rest my case
Thursday, 12 March 2015
My Me Story - KateblessingJoe: Should going GAY be the option?
My Me Story - KateblessingJoe: Should going GAY be the option?: After a long time of not wanting to comment about the homosexuality business, I think finally there is something to say. I have sat down ...
Saturday, 7 March 2015
Its a sunday morning at Riverbank christian union and as usual, I made my way to church as early as I could. A little bit of chill here and there but am like ,no problem, I will handle this as am used to doing . On this very date, I am clad on a black suit but for me Its kinda my usual drss code on sundays and big events. A ittle bit of tet a tete with my colleagues found my stepsinto the church. As usual, an usher inivites me with a charming smile and am like , this must be a good day for me, please dont take me wrong because am also good in joking.
Apparently I was 15 minutes late and as such, I took a back seat . One thing was so conspicuous from all the directions .I tell you what that was ? Its the dressing code. Of course we dont need a rocket scientist to tell that ladies were second to none in the game . They were dressed to their best outfits and one would be forgiven to believe that we were having a wedding on the day. Dresses that defined nothing less fashin , design and morals of the society, As one would want to put it, everything gave roomfor imaginations if at all there was need for any. Speaker by peaker could neer miss a chance to compliment members for the 'Godly dresscode' .
We live in a society that has always adjusted its morals to suit particular needs guys, its a society that has a skewed way of thinking towards particular dress codes. Alas! I smiled , apparently it seemed to me that I had been duped into believing the the often refferd to as Y generation or spoit generation to that matter has woke up to a reality that it should transform their way of dressing due to public and religious demands.
I was damn wrong from the onset. Its on a monday-the next day , and am like what am I seeing ? I tell you what ?The ladies had changed their wardropes again to fit their ill clothing styles , They were so exposed to all and sundry that the word private parts was facing an unprecended riskof being called public whatever. Funny ,right ? Well, it shouldnt because these are the realities of the day. The bad dresses ruled the week until saturday{today].
My question then is, why would a dress that is not good on sunday be good on monday ? Isnt it a case of double speak and standards ? Are we alive to the thoughts that our morals have stooped so low in terms of dressing ? What are we doing as christians ? THINK AGAIN
Apparently I was 15 minutes late and as such, I took a back seat . One thing was so conspicuous from all the directions .I tell you what that was ? Its the dressing code. Of course we dont need a rocket scientist to tell that ladies were second to none in the game . They were dressed to their best outfits and one would be forgiven to believe that we were having a wedding on the day. Dresses that defined nothing less fashin , design and morals of the society, As one would want to put it, everything gave roomfor imaginations if at all there was need for any. Speaker by peaker could neer miss a chance to compliment members for the 'Godly dresscode' .
We live in a society that has always adjusted its morals to suit particular needs guys, its a society that has a skewed way of thinking towards particular dress codes. Alas! I smiled , apparently it seemed to me that I had been duped into believing the the often refferd to as Y generation or spoit generation to that matter has woke up to a reality that it should transform their way of dressing due to public and religious demands.
I was damn wrong from the onset. Its on a monday-the next day , and am like what am I seeing ? I tell you what ?The ladies had changed their wardropes again to fit their ill clothing styles , They were so exposed to all and sundry that the word private parts was facing an unprecended riskof being called public whatever. Funny ,right ? Well, it shouldnt because these are the realities of the day. The bad dresses ruled the week until saturday{today].
My question then is, why would a dress that is not good on sunday be good on monday ? Isnt it a case of double speak and standards ? Are we alive to the thoughts that our morals have stooped so low in terms of dressing ? What are we doing as christians ? THINK AGAIN
Thursday, 5 March 2015
my blog my space.......: AN OPEN LETTER TO HOMOSEXUALS: the questions
my blog my space.......: AN OPEN LETTER TO HOMOSEXUALS: the questions: Am writing to y ou my brothers who have by design or by whatever the reason , decided to be homosexuals . Indeed , I can only imagine the si...
Am writing to you my brothers who have by design or by whatever the reason , decided to be homosexuals . Indeed , I can only imagine the situation you are in as regards to the society and the world at large. Today I found myself having more questions than answers as to how it takes to be an homosexual. A lot has been said about homosexuality here and beyond and for me I would want to know it directly from the horses mouth[s] .
Okey granted , suppose homosexuality is accepted all over, I would want to know exactly how you guys would want to see the next generation. why is homosexuality gaining a lot of momemntum with the elites ? Like, what exactly makes one to be an homo, ? Why do you people consider it a practise that should be adopted by all and sundry ? Someone told me that gays even marry , have families , adopt kids and my biggest question is, adopting whose child again ? Are we alive tothe fact that the kid you are adopting was borne of a family made of a man and a woman ? How can I be convinced otherwise ?
Is there any scientific proof that supports it ? Or better still , any religion that backs this school of thought ? Perhabs my facts are so scarce and scanty. Does any homosexual believe that he was born of a mother ? If yes, does it klick into your minds tat we need another generation after we are gone ? Is homosexuality a short run thing or a long run platform ?
Brothers, perhabs my questions are harsh or many , but wait, its not my fault, blame it on my bag of questions, blame it on my christian background, blame it on my firm and unwavering belief on the holy book. But wait a minute, lets have a conversation on the same , lets brainstorm a little bit.
How about if the whole world was gay/lesbian ? Are we sure we will get human beings after 50 years ? If yes, how ?
Am sorry if my language sounded harsh but ..... I look forward to a responce ... Talk of someone who is pregnant with expectation
Okey granted , suppose homosexuality is accepted all over, I would want to know exactly how you guys would want to see the next generation. why is homosexuality gaining a lot of momemntum with the elites ? Like, what exactly makes one to be an homo, ? Why do you people consider it a practise that should be adopted by all and sundry ? Someone told me that gays even marry , have families , adopt kids and my biggest question is, adopting whose child again ? Are we alive tothe fact that the kid you are adopting was borne of a family made of a man and a woman ? How can I be convinced otherwise ?
Is there any scientific proof that supports it ? Or better still , any religion that backs this school of thought ? Perhabs my facts are so scarce and scanty. Does any homosexual believe that he was born of a mother ? If yes, does it klick into your minds tat we need another generation after we are gone ? Is homosexuality a short run thing or a long run platform ?
Brothers, perhabs my questions are harsh or many , but wait, its not my fault, blame it on my bag of questions, blame it on my christian background, blame it on my firm and unwavering belief on the holy book. But wait a minute, lets have a conversation on the same , lets brainstorm a little bit.
How about if the whole world was gay/lesbian ? Are we sure we will get human beings after 50 years ? If yes, how ?
Am sorry if my language sounded harsh but ..... I look forward to a responce ... Talk of someone who is pregnant with expectation
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Someone once told me that cemeteries are the the richest places on earth . do you know why? because there a lot of lying dreams in the same place and environs. but that's not even the point, the point is I dream of a Kenya that is heaven and earth different from the one am seeing today.
I dream
i dream of a country that is devoid of tribal antics than development records, a country where a common Wanjiku & Otieno will afford a three course meal without strain in an average day, I look forward to a state where security will be the least of our worries, let alone the recent rape cases am hearing of, will this Kenya come ?
I dream
I dream of a Kenya where media will be having better headlines than the ones am used to, you probably know the usual Uhuru vs Raila headlines, the headlines that are always catapult by a tribal school of thought to say the least , the headlines that have always plunged our country into a skewed way of thinking that "our tribe is the best mindset"
I dream
i dream of a Kenya where the civil society will be fighting for the common mwananchi without serving partisan interest or malicious intentions therein. a civil society that is not affected by the usual 'gun for hire syndrome' but rather , one that is always having the human interest at first sight.
I dream
I dream of a Kenya where people will bre judged not by the spellings of their second names but rather what they stand for in ideals, a Kenya where tribal political gimmicks $ rhetoric will have died a natural death paving way for a sober leadership that is always idea based and issue based in thoughts and deeds
I dream
I dream of a political landscape that will be conversing on issues[not characters] and canvasing regions[not political tribal strongholds] in this country to market their ideas in a much better refined platform.
I dream
a Kenya where terrorism will never be our cup of tea but a thing of the past, where our police force will be more equipped and made more versatile and kept up to date with the changing dynamics of crime, i look forward to seeing a Kenya where walking at night around moi university and all the other places will be a matter of option rather than caution, a Kenya where ills such as rape, banditry and what have you will only be a subject of imagination and history
I dream
I dream of a Kenya where jobs will be granted on three major accounts and that is mainly : merit, merit and merit. A time when corruption offices will be contemplating on closing shop allegedly because the society will be sober and devoid of crime
I dream
I dream of an education system that is going to nurture generations into how to deal with real life as opposed to the current one which of course is just exam oriented and bakes students quarterly let alone the usual half we know, a Kenya where a huge chunk of the populace will be learnet enough to realize that our leaders have never been up to any good by assembling us in 'tribal tables' oftenly branded as political parties. How do we explain political parties founded on a tribal skewed way of thinking anyway ?
EVEN then guys, dreams , am informed cant be a reality until one wakes up and does something about it. Are we really alive to these thoughts? Are satisfied with the raging status quo ? I rest my case
Thursday, 19 February 2015
I am really appalled by the naivety of my fellow students at #UOE, ..So naive have we become to the extend that a senator whose political fortunes are dwindling is trying to earn a name out of the issue. First of all, who doesn't know that #university of eldoret is a national institution? who said its a kalenjin thing ? who said that being in ELDORET means that only kalenjins should get jobs ?
Senetor melly should be told straight to the eye that his leadership style has never been that fruitful ever since he came into office . Its so wrong for him to incite students on tribal lines when a jury is out there that Eldoret is among st the volatile areas. It therefore should klick to every ones mind that our actions as leaders depict and portrays a different message to outsiders, investors and even employees. It taints the image of the institution , the county and Eldoret town which of course has not settled down from the injuries it got in the #PEV.
I am not in any way saying that the Vc is a saint in this but i think the approach to this issue is wanting and totally out of order. For instance, who has reported the issue to the relevant authorities such as the EACC? Has the senator launched a formal complaint in the senate ? Isn't this a ploy to reinvent a political career that is in its dying days ? why are students being divided on an issue that's really not for them ? who amongst the students , senator included , qualifies to be a #vc ? Why are we invoking the tribal overtones at such a time as this when the country is healing from the ashes of 2007? Why is Melly trying to put a tribal agenda in a cosmopolitant county as Uasin Gishu ?
You are being hoodwinked, you are being used , you are being taken for a ride, you are doing yourselves more harm than good. Take this or leave it , i just told you for free. How can you as the elites in the society be used to propagate a tribal agenda?
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